Welcome New Bridge Students

Our class blog, http://pamandddolly.blogspot.com/, is a collaborative space where you will discuss and exchange ideas with your instructors and peers. Rather than being the sole author of a collection of writing, the blog will be a group effort allowing each student to write original ideas and responses to classmate comments. The goal of this blog is to provide a space in which we can reflect and evolve ideas each individual contributes.

Each day two to three students will design a question to pose for the class (you will pick your own dates based on the syllabus). The next class day we will spend 45 minutes responding to those questions. Please make an effort to write thoughful and reflective responses and spend the entire 45 minutes writing. Always try to explore the ideas behind the question rather than try to find the right answer.

This class has control over this blog, which means in the end the result and what you learn or don't learn from it rests on your shoulders. With this is mind, we encourage you to be creative and thoughtful. But be mindful of its relevance to the questions and repsonses; we do not need post after post of political rants or break up stories. Please remember to always remain repsectful, to be open to new ideas, and to use your words to clearly explain your point rather than using bold, upper case letters and exaggerated profanity.

Finally, you are encouraged to use quotes from the books, to use your own experiences, to share what you have discussed at salons, museum visits, and lectures. This is our space to reflect on and openly explore themes from Bridge as they relate to our lives and the world around us. We will use this space to question, share our inquiries and insights, and post our most sincere thoughts about the reading and as we progress through the next four weeks together.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Author the Culture of your Time

Columbia's mission statement states its intention to educate students who will "author the culture of their time," as professor Hawkins quoted in her lecture yesterday. What does this statement mean to you and how will you act as an author to our culture?


  1. This statement means for us students of Columbia, we are being educated to create for this culture. I will create different creative stories wheather its in my graphic novals or in my lyrical music i will make sure my creation gets out to this culture lives on in each generation.

  2. this statement means to me to be the leader of my time well one of the leaders...what she means is its up to us to determine the future, and if theres something we don't like about aour world/ or society its up to us to change it. We hold the future..we're "tomorrow's stars today"..we have to "create change" to help perfect the future, its up to us to help lower the teen jail, pregnancy, and drop-out rate. To help lower the drug use for our future generations we have to unite and come up with a plan because I have seen people I love suffer from this, and its something I desperatly want to change.

  3. This statement means to me that educated students will have an impact on the people around them meaning that they will bring new things to the culture. They'll teach the people new things. i will try and act like an author to my culture by introducing different things to people that they never had before. I will also try to change things for the better. I will fix all the things that are wrong and should be fixed. Since I look at things differently, I will use my knowledge and what I know to introduce a new vision and perspective of things. Education is what rules in the world. People with no education can only follow the educated people. Therefore I will try to be the leader.

  4. The statement "author the culture of their time" means alot to me because i feel that us in our generation control to look of our generation. We are the leaders of tomorrow. I will act as an author by being a leader of my generation instead of being a follower

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This statement means a lot to me. Us author the culture of our time. These are some deep words. This statement means we must make the responsiblity to capture what was going on in this generation We must show people our inspirations through our work and achievements in our lifetime. I will strive hard on my work and not give up on my dreams no matter what. I will be successful and leave my stamp on the world through my fashion designs and businesses I plan to open up in the near future. I will inspire the future generations and they will look back on my time and look up to how I conducted my work and dreams.

  7. Our time is a generation that is heavy influenced by media and art there is billboards that spark controversy theres music that make a man change his values and follow a new life style we as generation are following the stories that other people have wrote but now it is prime time to stop and start writing our own history and be author of the story that is being written as we speak a story that is worth changing and making a story filled with change with love and not hate a world of little or not hate yes it may seem impossible but with enough authors the story can be written to have a happy ending and not the one filled greed corruption i will get out there to help to change a few lives enough to impact that causes a ripple that shakes the foundation of other people and they follow suit if you can change one they can change one and so on and so forth and then we have a world full of help

  8. What does "author the culture of their time," mean to me? Well it basically means to me that we can be the author of our own story, and have all the time in the word to share our story. I really don't know about the rest of you, but i feel as if that quote is trying to tell me something. I feel as everyday is a new adventure and with a new adventure is a new chapter in our lives. We can makes our dreams become reality, and we can make our lives as a story to tell our childrens, childrens when we get old. I feel as if our generation would be the most creative of all, and we all need to show our gifts; also our talents to the world. That's what i believe that quote means.

  9. i beleive i can make my way as a leader to show the next generation that they can do the same thing too. being an author to the culture of our time lets me know i can write my story and the next generation can read it so they can express learn to express themselves so they can get better at there art and what they want to do.this statment to me means alot all of us have to act as a leader,i know us being the next generation they look up to us as a leaders to pave the way and we have to show them that they can be better and work hard jus like us.

  10. I was born to be a leader. I was born to set a pathway completely molded from greatness. It turns out there is a school for others like myself who were made to create a positive pathway as well. We all are great enough to set a standard for the future that lies before us and will do beautifully because we have present leaders who were as equivalently willing and guided by their past leaders as we are guided by them now. There are quite a few people in today's society that are lacking care for tomorrow's seedlings and the future looks dim. It is up to us to shine the light upon those smoggy visual areas. Okay let's do it.

  11. To author the culture of your time means to create and change your enviroment as you live and learn through life. It's doing what you feel is right and loving everything about it and making it you. I will author my culture by bringin change. I will bring my own creative side to the arts introducing new ideas and learning from others. In "Theme for Language B" By Langston Hughes he states that "let the paper come out of you and only then will the paper be true" With that said I believe that if you are true to what you do in life then you will change more around you because you were true to yourself and work shows your point of view which might be different from others

  12. I agree, i believe that if you really want something bad you will strive for it and go through plenty obstacles to get to it. Students should take their time in college or anything they do, thats how much time we have. We are not in a rush to do anything. No matter how fast we move, we are all going to have the same amount of time to finish it and we will all have the same day to turn it in. Author the culture of time in my mind means to coach ourselves. my life has been through a lot, most likely like a lot of people, of course im not the only one. I use to be very impatient and thats something that im still working on. When i use to write a paper i use to write think a little bit and turn it in. Starting now i decided to take my time instead of talking on the phone or something. I would love to express myself on paper, and i do it a lot when its not assigned to me, i love to write! but i just dont have the patience and it may not seem like a big deal, but it is to me! but at the same time, i have to once again coach myself in order to reach the goals that i am aiming for. Author to culture is my perspective on the world and the changes that are being made to the world and different cities and how culture is affecting each and every part of the world. I think its about time that our generation author our culture of time!

  13. Culture is the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group: the youth culture; the drug culture. That being said, the term " author the culture of their time" , to me means to be yourself and you will influence your surroundings to be themselves, which will start a culture of your time, because everyone will be doing something they love and being themselves. I wilol act towards that term by, being myself, being a positive and outgoing person, because one day I may influence people younger than me or even older than me to be themselves.

  14. Auhtoring the culture of our time, to me, mean to see the future the way you want to. Everyone has a vision they see of the future. Rather it is a hell or a uetopia. To author your vision of the future means that you have to creat a change. Things will not just happen on their own. "WE" as the youth of our world need to stand up and be a leader for younger generations to come. We have to create our own future and build our own better life by the actions we do today. Like we have all heard the past two days, we need to put our footprint in the wolrd. Change can happen and we CAN make a difference. We need to stop being so apathetic and indifferent towards everything in life. Our youth take things too ligthtly. I want to make a difference in this world. I want to stand out in a crowd and stand for what I believe in. Nobody can tell me how to think or how to percieve life. I have my own point of view and my own beliefs. No one can take that away from me. No one should let somebody else influence their insight. Think for yourself, be a leader not a follower. Thats the only way to create change.

  15. "Author the culture of their time" to me means being a leader of your generation. Someone has to step up and take the challenge. We can not depend on anyone from the past time to be "author's" or leaders for us. They have lived their own time. Things are different. We have to look into our future and not live in their past.

  16. To "Author the culture of their time" means to author what happenes during that time period or the beliefs of the future that people believe will happen.

  17. This phrase means starting your own legacy. A new turn in life is about to occur and this generation is responsible for the future. Getting our new ideas out and making a change from the many mistakes of the past. Hopefully I could help in my own way by connecting to people through art.
