1. In True Notebooks, the inmates begin to feel special about themeselves. It's the small things that make people happy. Mark shows the inmates that they can express themselves through their writing and they appreciate what he does for them.
2. Has anyone made you feel special about yourself? Explain the situation and how it made you feel special.
Welcome New Bridge Students
Our class blog, http://pamandddolly.blogspot.com/, is a collaborative space where you will discuss and exchange ideas with your instructors and peers. Rather than being the sole author of a collection of writing, the blog will be a group effort allowing each student to write original ideas and responses to classmate comments. The goal of this blog is to provide a space in which we can reflect and evolve ideas each individual contributes.
Each day two to three students will design a question to pose for the class (you will pick your own dates based on the syllabus). The next class day we will spend 45 minutes responding to those questions. Please make an effort to write thoughful and reflective responses and spend the entire 45 minutes writing. Always try to explore the ideas behind the question rather than try to find the right answer.
This class has control over this blog, which means in the end the result and what you learn or don't learn from it rests on your shoulders. With this is mind, we encourage you to be creative and thoughtful. But be mindful of its relevance to the questions and repsonses; we do not need post after post of political rants or break up stories. Please remember to always remain repsectful, to be open to new ideas, and to use your words to clearly explain your point rather than using bold, upper case letters and exaggerated profanity.
Finally, you are encouraged to use quotes from the books, to use your own experiences, to share what you have discussed at salons, museum visits, and lectures. This is our space to reflect on and openly explore themes from Bridge as they relate to our lives and the world around us. We will use this space to question, share our inquiries and insights, and post our most sincere thoughts about the reading and as we progress through the next four weeks together.
Each day two to three students will design a question to pose for the class (you will pick your own dates based on the syllabus). The next class day we will spend 45 minutes responding to those questions. Please make an effort to write thoughful and reflective responses and spend the entire 45 minutes writing. Always try to explore the ideas behind the question rather than try to find the right answer.
This class has control over this blog, which means in the end the result and what you learn or don't learn from it rests on your shoulders. With this is mind, we encourage you to be creative and thoughtful. But be mindful of its relevance to the questions and repsonses; we do not need post after post of political rants or break up stories. Please remember to always remain repsectful, to be open to new ideas, and to use your words to clearly explain your point rather than using bold, upper case letters and exaggerated profanity.
Finally, you are encouraged to use quotes from the books, to use your own experiences, to share what you have discussed at salons, museum visits, and lectures. This is our space to reflect on and openly explore themes from Bridge as they relate to our lives and the world around us. We will use this space to question, share our inquiries and insights, and post our most sincere thoughts about the reading and as we progress through the next four weeks together.
No one ever really made me feel special, I've gotten many compliments but disregard them. One thing about myself I'm never satisfied, there's always better, besides I know I'm special.
ReplyDeleteNobody made me special. I mske myself feel special everytime I make a song or play basketball. I don't really pay attention to what people say anymore.
ReplyDeleteI cannot recall a time when someone has made me feel special. I know that I am special and no one can make me feel any less than what I am.
ReplyDeleteI remember when I was in my very first musical. It was the theatre version of "The Wiz". I was bout 11 years old and I played the Scarecrow. I worked really hard to be just like Michael Jackson. I even did the Moonwalk. After the performance was completed, I was very fatigued but the people there made it all worth while when they congratulated all of the cast. The people who came and supported the other cast and I made all the work we put in worth while. not to mention, I put on all that make up they better have loved it!
ReplyDeleteSomeone has made me feel special before. Not about myself it was more about my art. It was a artist that came over my house from time to time to work on a mixtape with my older brother who is a DJ. He asked me to play some of my beats that i have made. We both listened to them and he was really shocked by what i had made. It amazed him that i made it, and he asked me if i was taking producing serious. I told him yes and he told me that i should take it seriously, and that i could go somewhere with my music. When he told me this i felt good to know that someone liked my music, and to know it was legit.
ReplyDeleteOne time this girl gave me a gorilla with heart trunks for Valentine's Day. It made feel good. I was like, "You really thought of me on this special day?". Unfortunately, I broke up with her days later.
ReplyDeleteI have atleast 3 people who made me feel special in my life. Number one is my mom, she made me feel special in so many ways. One way she made me feel special was when I was going down in life. I thought I couldn't get to any college or make dance my life career. She came to me and said that I such a great person who everyone loves to be around. She said that I have such remarkable talent and that my dance will go so much farther than before. She said to keep my head up high and she believes that I am one of a kind. The second person who made me feel so good about myself is my boyfriend Nick. One day I was at gallery 37 working and I told him the night before that I'm losing friends and that my bestfriend backstab me. He suprise me by picking me up after work and bought me lunch to eat at by the river. He told me that I can lose so much friends but ill gain true friends later in life. He also said that if it made me feel better that he'll be my bestfriend. He has been my bestfriend since I was 14 and I could talk to him about anything. The last person who made me feel special was my hiphop choreographer Rob. He seen me dance at the studio one day when I was 15 and decided that he wanted me in his class. He told me that I have such amazing dance skills that he has never seen before. He helps me makes my dancing better and said that one I'll be someone in the dance world. Also Joe has made me feel special by giving me a sweater he couldn't fit into and said that i'll look good in it.=]<--the last sentence was to Joe sitting by me.
ReplyDeleteMy Parents are the ones that make me feel special everyday. Because they always told me that I'm smarter than most for my age and that I just never applied myself and if I did I would have been great. They always had my back when I tried new things. My parents showed up to every single play I had which gave me the encouragement to do great at every play because I never knew when they were out in the crowd watching. They always told me that I was always had great people skills and was unique yeah sure it sounded like typical parents stuff but I took it to heart.
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ReplyDeleteMy grandmother always made me feel special. The foundation of my life today is based off of everything she has ever taught me. She always told me that I could be anything I wanted to be if I worked towards it. I know this sounds so cliché but it really stuck with me throughout my life. She raised my with religion; ever since I was a baby. I fell out of that life since she has passed but I feel it has left me with good morals. I am not religious anymore and I feel like I would disappoint her if she could know. It might even make her cry, so in a way I feel like I am letting her down.
ReplyDeleteI cannot think of a specific instance where she made me feel special, but I know that she was always sure that I knew I was special. Now that she has passed I do not feel as special. I think she took a part of me with her and that part that has replace that missing piece is nothing more than synthetic. It is a piece that I have created to fill the void, but I guess life is about building yourself. You cannot always rely on other people to make things happen for you. I think being in the predicament that I am in has allowed to me to figure that out. I have become independent from the obstacles life has thrown at me. Now I am in Chicago, holding down my past all on my own.
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ReplyDeleteWell a time when i actually felt good was when I got my acceptance letter from Columbia. I was so excited I ran all the way up stairs and then back down for no reason, I had to quickly call everyone i knew and let them know the good news.The reason why Columbia made me feel so good is because I though i wasnt going to be able to attend, and i had already got unexcepted to the other three colleges i applied to.
ReplyDeleteIn life my mother has made me feel special. She would always tell me that I was special. She told me that there wasn't nothing I couldn't do. She made me feel like I was not like anyone else. She encouraged me, and provoked me to work harder to obtain my goals. I took her good words to heart. I truly believed I was special.
ReplyDeleteNot only in her words her actions also made me feel like I was unique. The way she would show of my achievements in life to her friends would make me happy. Everytime I would bring home a honor roll report card she would show it off to everyone. This would build my confidence as I was growing up.
In conclusion she would make me feel special Like I was heaven sent. I would really enjoy her words of encouragement. These words she ensisted with me made me the guy I am today.
I don’t remember a time to where I felt special. I do most of the "making people feel special". I treat people who do and don’t do a lot for me. I go out of my way to make people’s day and life go better. It’s not like I look for anything in return, but the least I could get is for not one to mess my day up by saying something out of the way or, or even waking me up to a bad text or something. I do recall when I was working at my job, a lady only had enough money for one item, she was about a dollar short, and it wasn’t like she was some lady on the streets, she was a well rounded lady that I saw in my store a few times, and she looked as if she was in a bad mood, but yet still very polite. So she apologized, and said sorry, but I didn’t know it was going to cost this much, I’m sorry to waste your time, but I don’t want this. She said she was sorry, and she also said how embarrassed she was, I felt so bad, I usually never feel this bad, so I decided to give her purchase ten percent off, she was so happy, she gave me a hug and everything. It feels good to make someone’s day. Now I’m just waiting on someone to make mines....
ReplyDeleteI believe everytime I receieve a compliment that it makes me feel special in a way. It makes my day go better simply beacause I received the smallest compliment. Mainly I feel special when I begin to perform acts and direct and produce plays. My teacher in grammar school truly helped motivate me and make me feel important by constantly telling me that acting and producing was a gift from God. This made me feel special because it inspired me to work even harder to really become a great actor and producer. It made me want to do more than what was required. I sometimes over acted (funny i kno). Through this experience with my teacher I can say because of her I have the motivation to learn and become a great actor and producer
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ReplyDelete@ ariel. I liked my feedback too =)
ReplyDeleteNo one has EVER made you feel special Elle?? Really no one?
ReplyDeleteYes, there are many people in my life have made me feel special. My cousins and aunts always input me into their big get togethers with all the family with all the family. They all care deeply about me and always ask how I’m doing or how I’m feeling. it makes me feel special because there thinking about me, feeling special is just having that feeling of being loved and cared for unconditionally.
ReplyDeleteNo one has ever made me feel special until now. I f someone did it would be a joke, or my special feeling would become an uncomfortable one. An example is when I was a sophmore, there was this boy that I had alot of feelings for and he said that he felt the same.He wold tell me that he had never felt so special about a girl before and we will be together for a long time. Me being young, I believed him. I let this boy steal my virginity. After that he had moved on to another girl. That made me feel low. Today I feel special because I have two teachers that actually believes in me. They let me express myself thru writing without being judged. I also can now say that I feel special because I have so many people that believes in me. I have made a few people feel special.
ReplyDeleteAre peoples parents all that rough that some of you feel like no one made you feel special heck maybe even your aunt grandma someone there has got to be someone even a friend
ReplyDeleteYes, someone has made me feel special in one way or another. I remember last week after I read my paper aloud to the rest of the class, I got so much positive feed-back which made me feel so good about my writing. In-fact it made me feel like I want to en-hance my writing more. It uplifted me in a way too, because I didn't really think much of it. :)
ReplyDelete@ brandon, whats with the "cockiness?"
ReplyDeleteI felt special the other day when a the teacher asked me why I was in her math class said i shouldn't even be there (in a good way)
ReplyDeletepam made me feel special ed today
ReplyDelete@joe how did she make you feel special ed????
ReplyDeleteby calling me strange =(
ReplyDeleteit's ok you are a bit strange in a good way
ReplyDeleteTo add on to what i said, I also felton valentines day 07'. I pent all day watching movies with my male friend at the time, (whom got me nothing!)so, when he left an old friend pops up and he hugs me and tells my Happy V-day, and he pause and says "hold-on" and then he pulls out the biggest stuffed puppy i've ever seen and a box of chocolates, from behind the stairs. He made me feel so special because I couldn't believe after so long he managed to think of me..(blushes)
ReplyDelete@Cory- not that I can think of. Honestly imp not thinking too hard but I shouldn’t have to think so hard about someone making me feel special. Things like that should immediately come to mind.
ReplyDeleteWell actually my grandmother makes me feel special, everyday she texts or calls me and ask how am i doing, she calls me cutie and beautiful in a text which i find hilariuos, its makes me giggle hard!