Welcome New Bridge Students

Our class blog, http://pamandddolly.blogspot.com/, is a collaborative space where you will discuss and exchange ideas with your instructors and peers. Rather than being the sole author of a collection of writing, the blog will be a group effort allowing each student to write original ideas and responses to classmate comments. The goal of this blog is to provide a space in which we can reflect and evolve ideas each individual contributes.

Each day two to three students will design a question to pose for the class (you will pick your own dates based on the syllabus). The next class day we will spend 45 minutes responding to those questions. Please make an effort to write thoughful and reflective responses and spend the entire 45 minutes writing. Always try to explore the ideas behind the question rather than try to find the right answer.

This class has control over this blog, which means in the end the result and what you learn or don't learn from it rests on your shoulders. With this is mind, we encourage you to be creative and thoughtful. But be mindful of its relevance to the questions and repsonses; we do not need post after post of political rants or break up stories. Please remember to always remain repsectful, to be open to new ideas, and to use your words to clearly explain your point rather than using bold, upper case letters and exaggerated profanity.

Finally, you are encouraged to use quotes from the books, to use your own experiences, to share what you have discussed at salons, museum visits, and lectures. This is our space to reflect on and openly explore themes from Bridge as they relate to our lives and the world around us. We will use this space to question, share our inquiries and insights, and post our most sincere thoughts about the reading and as we progress through the next four weeks together.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

You are free, aren't you?

In Persepolis and True Notebooks the character’s freedoms are limited. Having freedom taken away is obviously a terrible thing to experience. We live in a country of freedom. How does having this freedom affect your life personally? Do you think you take your freedom for granted? How does this newly found freedom of college life feel to you?

- Yolo and Cory


  1. Personally I think dont that we live in a country of freedom, we only do as much as they allow us to do. With that said i do think the amount of freedom that we are given affects me personally because through all the laws and stuff i still am able to express myself in a way that makes me happy no matter what i do. Many people to take their "freedom" for granted by simply breaking the laws that are place in this country. When they do break laws and get punished for it then thats when they really appreciate what they had in life that most cant get back. In college i love the whole adult lifestyle. Im free to do whatever i want, But i have also a lot more responisibility. I no longer have a person looking over my shoulder making sure i am doing exactly whats needed to be done. I simply have been handed a handguide that states what required of me and its up to me to either choose to follow and obey or too neglect and fail.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Freedom has affected my life in a good way. I can do whatever, whenever, and however I want to. I live life freely without anyone holding me back from what I want to do.I don't take my freedom for granted because I always take advantage of everything. When I have a chance to do something, then I will do it without any hesitation. Freedom of college is good to me because I can further my education and learn more about whatever I want to learn about. When I look at people in prison and seeing that they have absolutely no freedom, it makes me appreciate my freedom more and makes me realize that my freedom can be taken away if I make the wrong choice. It makes me happy knowing that I'm a free man and I'll make sure that nothing will take my freedom away. My life will be bad if my freedom was limited. I won't be able to do the things that I love to do. I will be forced to do what other people tell me to do. You can't do anything if you don't have any freedom.

  4. Living in a world with freedom affects my life personally because it gives me the ability to do almost anything I want to do. We can’t do everything though, because if that was so the world would be horror, that’s why we have set laws. I don’t take my freedom for granted all the time because I use my freedom in every way possible, I say what’s on my mind in a respectable way to those who respect me because I have the right to speak what I want. I’m happy I have freedom so I don’t really dwell on the past and go too far back into history with it even though I have before but it’s just to heart breaking to hear. This college life is good, it’s almost the same as high school, no phones, no talking at a certain time, we have rules as well, it’s not much of a change to me, well not that I have seen yet, and I’m quite fine with it I guess. I find college just a way of becoming a young adult and exploring life with less of your parent or guardians help, that’s all...

  5. Me having "freedom" affects my life a lot. It affects my life alot because if i didnt have "freedom" i would be a totally different person. Unfortunately, i take my "freedom" for granted alot. I take my "freedom" for granted by doing illegal things that could get my "freedom" taken away. If i had my "freedom" taken away before i would probally never take my "freedom" for granted. The "freedom" that i have now feels great. Being a college student comes with alot of "freedom" to make your decisions by yourself. But it also comes with plenty obligations, which pretty much equals out your amount of freetime. It feels good to have to make decisions for yourself, but it also is scary because sometimes when people have too much "freedom" that they are not used too, they can be overwhelmed. Meaning that they cant balance having fun, and getting work done. Which can make you an ex-college student.

  6. Having freedom is a great thing for me, because I am able to live and learn. Without freedom it would be hard to explore certain things, therefore youre not learning. I feel as if everyone takes there freedom for granted sometimes in their lives, even me. This new freedom for me will be hard, because Im use to my mommy and daddy giving me rules and helping me with everything, but I will be learning to be responsible. Most people in college have so much freedom, they sometimes dont know how to act, mostly because they have never experienced freedom because of a strict guardian. My parents had rules, but they aren't strict.

  7. How does having freedom affect my life? Well I may have alot of freedom but where i live I also have alot of rules and laws. I can only do stuff to a certain extent. Which means I can't break a law without getting caught. Once I'm caught, well there goes my freedom. But i have a freedom to talk as I wish and say what ever I want to say.(Just but using the right choice of words.)I don't take my freedom for granted because not alot of people don't have as much freedom as I do. Lots of people in different countries don't have enough freedom. Or the people in prison don't even have freedom at all. I'm glad that I even have freedom. As for college well I never had this freedom of picking my own classes. Or even picking the time that fits my schedule best. It's really new to me but I love it. :)

  8. We live in a generation where individuality is praised upon. Doing what needs to be done to please ourselves through our lifetime. Life is what you make it and we have the oppurtunities to change almost anything. Freedom gives a person opinions and their own outlook on life, seeing right from wrong and how to estalish your purpose. I do take my freedom for granted, knowlingly. I'm aware of how unappreciative I am but that's soon to change. College life will be great for me forcing me to make wise decisions and take full responsibilty for myself. One step closer to being fully independent.

  9. Personally, I think we only have freedom to a certain extent because at some limit the principles comes in. And what we may consider right may be against the law. So freedom affects my life when others take theres for granted (freedom). I don't feel I take my freedom for granted. For example, it makes me look bad that my race are one of the highest among other races to be incarcerated. I don't take my freedom for granted, but I do feel I take advantage of my freedom. When I say take advantage, I mean I cherish it. I treat it like I know its there, and I love the fact that it is. This newly found freedom of college life is totally brand new to me, because I have to learn how to live it and how far to exceed my limit. But so far, it feels GREAT!

  10. This country has completely enabled me to live as please, act the way I like, and do what I like as long as it it is in the bounds of law. I don't necessarily know if I take freedom granted, I know that the freedom of college that I have gotten a taste of is very refreshing. I come home when I want to, I go out when I feel like it, and school allows me to be responible of my own work. With that wieght, it makes me worry more about what I am supposed to be doing in school. I know I have little to no one to rely on to teel me where, when, and how to do my assignments. In this case that fear is beuatiful for the simple fact it is making me a more alert student.

  11. Freedom is great. Why wouldn't you like to choose what you want to do and when you want to do it. Having freedom truly affects my life because it helps me be the person I am. My personaliiy is to say what I want and do what I want. Without freedom of speech I would have to keep my feelings trapped within myself. I feel that my freedom keeps me happy to. I like to go out and enjoy life on the regular basis. If I didnt have the ability to do so. I would be pissed off. I would probably want to hang myself. I can't stay trapped in 4 walls all day. I think I do take my freedom for granted though. There are many people who aren't able to go outside and do things that I am able to do. This may be because of cultural rules or they are locked up. I feel for these people who are on locked down 23 hrs a day. That is crazy to not be able to enjoy life. Even how short it is anyway. Since I have gotten older I have been granted more and more freedom. Now I am in college there is no one holding my hand to walk me through things. This comes with more freedom. I am an adult now so with my freedom comes responsibility and I am up for the task. My ne w freedom in college will shaped the man I will become.

  12. I have taken my freedom for granted it’s never a though in my mind to think about how free I really am. Now I'm not a diehard American saying we are the land of the free. We're not as free as we could be which is a good thing. We have regulations to keep us from going overboard with our freedom. I think yes there are people who take their freedom and push the limits with it. Protesters marching for wage increases when they should just be glad they have a job in this kind of economy. My freedom has given me a voice a very small one but its better than none-at-all. I can vote I can gamble I can smoke these are freedoms that come with age. These freedoms gave me more movement more things to do options though 2/3 of them are not the best options but nonetheless are choices. This college life that has been bestowed onto me gave me freedom to do what I want when I want to, but taking these freedoms for granted can result in unwanted ways. If I choose to stay up all night the chances are I'll be really tired and dead in class and my work will start slipping. If I choose to go out and spend money then I will be out of money and not able to pay for important stuff later. Freedom comes with a price and the price is a cause and effect if I do this than this will happen. We are free but to a certain extent.

  13. Having the option to do as i please, when i please is the greatest feeling. Having that revoked at any point in my life would have negatively affected my personality and who I am today. I have built myself off of the things I choose to do and the life styles I have taken for a ride. Everything I have experienced in my life has changed the way I feel about particular people, places, and things. If I never had the choice to experience these things and develop how I feel about them, who would I be? I believe I would be what someone else wants me to be. I would be molded from someone else's hands and manipulated to live a certain way. My freedom affects my everyday life by giving me the option to experience what I want to experience, unlike in Marjane's situation where her religious rulers forbid such freedoms.
    I do think I take my freedom for granted. I have only realized, upon Yolo and I making this question that I do not really consider the fact that I am free every day. I just live my life not even giving a thought of what it would be like if I was restrained in some way shape or form. Why do I deserve to be here more than those poor children in Darfur? Is it just life's destiny that they are in such a terrible predicament and that I am here doing as I please every day. It is just the fact that I was born here and they were born there. I think of how easily I could have been to born to a foreign land such as Darfur. I could be in such predicaments and suffer every day, but I don't. I live here and take my freedom for granted and it makes me sick to think about. If I could understand one thing in this life it would be why things have to be the way they are. I really really just do not understand and I have trouble coping with that.
    I am enjoying college life to its fullest. I have never felt so happy in my life. They way things happen in college are much different from high school. I have my own place, I live in Chicago, and I am pursuing a career in a field of my choice. Those are all choices I had to make in life. I think I have chosen the correct paths so far, but I know there are still MANY to come. This new freedom of college life is so surreal. It still has not hit me. It still has not hit me that I am out of high school.

  14. I think that the freedom that we are given as americans are sort of limited as well, but the freedom we have affects us by making us lazy. Most of America is segregated to the point where we dont care what happens to others or even our on people, unlike the Iranians in Persepolis they stick together and are concerned about one another. Maybe because we're not experiecing the horrible attacks they do we are this way. Americans seem to not really care about global causes and important things in the world and thats why people stereotype us as ignorant, I just think that we should take life more serious.

    This newly found freedom that college offers is a great freedom because your not child around like high school and it also helps you grow up.
    In college there is no one to tell you what to do there is only you to do the right thing and be responsible for your education. The college freedom is great because of the things you have to do to stay focused and you also have to make sure your grades are up to part.

  15. I know that being free has affected my life. It has affected my mind though, my ego rather, because I know that I can do whatever, whenever, and however I please. I think I do take my freedom for granted because I've always had my freedom; it was something I was born with. To me there is no new found freedom in college, I think there is a new found independence to do things yourself and take your own actions to make your school life better.

    Now that we have read or are still reading these books I believe we should be more appreciative if not all of us I believe I am. I now know that we have everything we could possibly want without hiding it or not getting it at all or getting rations. I appreciate more because I see how people live when they don't have it.

  16. I do have some sort of freedom, but I do not believe that us Americans are really free. The reason we are not free in my eyes is because i beleive that we are basically slaves of the government. We are slaves in my eyes because just like the african-american slaves had to work at another mans plantation for barely anything. Most people in this world has to work for less than what we deserve, when our jobs are harder than the people with 100 times more money that us.

  17. Are we really free? I mean having the right to do things is great, but we can’t do things our way or there will be madness. Many people from different states and countries would be able to enter our country as they please because we would be so free, having no rules or laws would basically set the united states up to be taken over by another country , and I think that would cause more violence and death. Having freedom to me is having the right to speak, and say what’s on my mind even though some people might not agree. I think everybody takes freedom for granted sometimes, people could care less about having to work or going to school, and even relaxing, I could sit in the house and eat all day if I really wanted to. In other country people are slaves still to this day in their own countries and don’t get to relax because there dictator has control over everything and tells them what to do. In college I do feel like I have I new freedom, because I don’t depend on anybody. You can say I am creating my own life.

  18. I am happy have the freedom that I do. Even though we can only do so much, it is more than enough for me. I get to wear whatever I choose. If I or no one else had this option then the fashion world would not exist. Everyone would probably wear the same thing and fitting in isn’t as fun as standing out and using your creative mind to express how you feel. Since I am 19 now I am basically an adult. I have the freedom to do whatever I want. I am on my own and the decisions are on me. I believe I may take my freedom for granted. There are people in other countries that do not have any freedom at all. For example in the Middle East woman are forced to cover themselves from head to ankles. The only skin that can be shown is their hands, their face but some can only display their eyes and I think their feet. Other than that they have no freedom. Being a woman in other countries can really suck. American woman can vote, wear what they want, go into any career field, etc.

  19. @cory "Why do I deserve to be here more than those poor children in Darfur? Is it just life's destiny that they are in such a terrible predicament and that I am here doing as I please every day. It is just the fact that I was born here and they were born there. I think of how easily I could have been to born to a foreign land such as Darfur." This is so true. Any of us in this class colud've been born in a country like darfur or iran, or anywhere else besides here and that's something we should question everyday.
