Welcome New Bridge Students

Our class blog, http://pamandddolly.blogspot.com/, is a collaborative space where you will discuss and exchange ideas with your instructors and peers. Rather than being the sole author of a collection of writing, the blog will be a group effort allowing each student to write original ideas and responses to classmate comments. The goal of this blog is to provide a space in which we can reflect and evolve ideas each individual contributes.

Each day two to three students will design a question to pose for the class (you will pick your own dates based on the syllabus). The next class day we will spend 45 minutes responding to those questions. Please make an effort to write thoughful and reflective responses and spend the entire 45 minutes writing. Always try to explore the ideas behind the question rather than try to find the right answer.

This class has control over this blog, which means in the end the result and what you learn or don't learn from it rests on your shoulders. With this is mind, we encourage you to be creative and thoughtful. But be mindful of its relevance to the questions and repsonses; we do not need post after post of political rants or break up stories. Please remember to always remain repsectful, to be open to new ideas, and to use your words to clearly explain your point rather than using bold, upper case letters and exaggerated profanity.

Finally, you are encouraged to use quotes from the books, to use your own experiences, to share what you have discussed at salons, museum visits, and lectures. This is our space to reflect on and openly explore themes from Bridge as they relate to our lives and the world around us. We will use this space to question, share our inquiries and insights, and post our most sincere thoughts about the reading and as we progress through the next four weeks together.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Goals and Tools for Success

What goals have you set for yourself upon entering college? What are some of the tools you need to successfuly navigate through this course, as well as your academic career? What are your expectations regarding this course? In other words ,what do you expect to gain from taking English Studies?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. concetration and hard work. I expect to learn different things

  3. my expections for this course are to complete the whole course and learn stuff that i did not know before i took this course. Tools that we will need to complete this course are having a open mind, and staying on top of your work.

  4. My expections for this course is that I want it to go by smoothly and easy as possibly. I just want to pass this so i can get accpeted to Columbia with no problems.The tools i might need for this course is my brain and coffee just to stay up, im just playing. I need my writing and reading tools and be focus on what I need to complete to get into Columbia.:)

  5. My expectations for this course is just to work hard and learn diffent things from my fellow classmates, and create diffrent peices of work with just a pen and paper.Even though i didnt come to school for journalism i would like to learn how to express my self many diffrent ways. i know everyone has a voice and i would like to hear them.....

  6. My expections are to pass this coarse and to learn from the experiences of taking this coarse and also learn from and about the peers around me. Tools that I need is to stay focused and comitted, I have never been the type to be focused most of the time so this will help me learn to be more focused and responsible, which will help with my future academic career here at Columbia.

  7. ...and continuing because they told me too. But i would love to learn so much more than what I already know. I want to be able to do all the work without my struggling interfering. The only part of this program I mostly worried about is the math, because i ain't 100% great in math. I just need to stay focus and do what I need to do.

  8. My expectations for this course are very high. I expect us to do a lot of reading and comprehension and really try to understand characters point of views and where the author is coming from. Reading out loud is something I expect us to do too. To get ahead in this class I will have to apply myself each and everyday and try to show my creative side as well as my motivation and drive. This mind set with transfer over once I start offical classes in the fall at Columbia.

  9. in order to stay on top of my work i must pay attention in class, and reach out for help when i need it.

  10. I expect the course to prep me for a college level education. I personally see the bridge program as an advantage to me. I will have an upper hand on the oncoming freshmen because I will have benn living here a whole month before them. All of the blind bats will come to me and ask for directions and I will actually be able to direct them. Also, the bridge will get me back into the swing of doing school work and actaully being productive rather than being a lazy bum all day, which I tend to do a lot... Overall I have high hopes for the bridge and the entire Columbia experience. Oh, and living on campus is great for those of you who commute to the city everyday. I'm staying over on Plymouth and it is very very nice. So look forward to the dorm life as well as campus life. I can already tell that not only me, but EVERYONE here is going to have the time of their lives.

  11. my expectations for this class is to get the most out of it as possible, use the skills that i brought and bring them to the table, experience new things about myself that i never knew about me. I will also like to exerience life here with a whole new enviornment and a whole new group of people and hopefully things go smooth and turn out great. The tools i will need for this program will be too keep my head on right, be a leader, study as much as possible, and not to let anything get in my way. i wish the best not only for me, but for all of us.

  12. I have several expectations for this course. One of my expectations is to successfully complete this course so that I am admitted into Columbia College.I also expect to learn some new techniques that will help me obtain skills for writing and lead me into the process of becoming an powerful writer as and individual. The tools that I will need in order to meet these expectations are determination and ots of examples on how to write an essay :)

  13. My expectation for the course is to read poetry and to be able to write and get feedback from students and the teachers a like. Tools are of course feedback a supportive enviroment and class mates i would like to better myself as a writer and reader to grow and branch out in this area to learn things that were not possible in my high school and I'm hoping that this becomes a reality I also want to see everyone else's creativity and compare my work along side everyone else

  14. I think my expectations for this class is to comment and discuss/write on real world things also alot of things that apply to everyday life. Getting a better feel of what writing is and to get a handle on what college writing is so it won't be such a chore on my behalf (I really hate english based things) and hopefully this would help me through my acedemic career and also my career through-out life

  15. Honestly, I was never that attentive in high school, and now that I've reached a different peak in my educational journey I believe it's time that I pick up some different learning habits. I don't mind trying to change for the better. My prime objective in the Bridge program is to get here on time everyday, work hard and even work a little harder than I have to, and get whatever values I need for college that I didn't get (or wasn't being attentive enough to get) in highschool. I hope that I can stick it out and be a better student than I have been for 16 days. It seems as if this is a stiff progam and I'm taking it seriously.

  16. I expect to be introduced to many new elements of literature, because I love reading and writing! I must be motivated, focused, and most of all determined to do these things, because as times passes I know things are gonna toughin up, and I have to be ready to get through it, this is the first time in my life that I really know what I want, never knew in H.S, or anyother time, but going in as a freshman in college, I know this is something I want to be successful with, in four yrs I want my BFA, in my eyes I have to succeed for my son, which whose my motivation, this will be considered "setting the bar high" for him,and as I said earlier, this is something I know I want and i'm not gonna stop until i get it!

  17. I expect to get a intro to college reading and writting as well as getting an idea of how college will be. The tools that i will need are my pens and paper as well as my mind to stay focused.

  18. I am not expecting anything from the class. Hopefully this course will help me view english/literature differently. I'm not a huge fan, but with the right instructor anything can happen, and I may gain a new love for english. Dedication and hard work are key tools for success. Without the two you can not get far.

  19. I expect to become a better writer and interpreter of literature. The tools I need to get through this course are patience and hard work.
